Are you trying to trim your budget and find some extra cash? If this is the case, consider using the services of a consignment store for that garage or storage unit full of items that you no longer need or are looking for a new look for your home or office. In addition to being budget-friendly, there are some additional benefits to purchasing and selling your gently used items at Dunn’s Attic.
You can find unique items
Everyone likes to be different, especially when we decorate our home or office. But how do you get creative without breaking the bank? By shopping at a consignment store, that’s how. We get our inventory from diverse consignees and have many unique items not found in big box furniture shops. Don’t be stuck following trends that are not to your taste. An upscale consignment store might have just the signature piece you are needed to complete your space.
Save money
The price points are the main reason to buy furniture from a consignment shop. Since you are purchasing used goods, you can usually get great deals. In addition, consignment furniture stores offer a variety of unique and designer-inspired furnishings, which is a way to get some fantastic pieces at reasonable prices.
Conveniently sell your items
The number one reason to sell furniture at a consignment store is convenience. If you have a bunch of furniture you no longer want or need, consignment stores allow you to sell your goods in their store conveniently. This saves you the time and hassle of creating an online ad or trying to sell your furniture to strangers. Dealing with consignment also allows you to make space within your home. If you’re moving or downsizing, taking your unwanted furniture to a consignment furniture store will enable you to free up space.
Reduce your Environmental Footprint
Old is new again, especially on social media. Have you seen what people are doing with older furniture? If you are handy and creative, you can reuse older furniture to make your space your own by recycling older furniture purchased at a consignment store.
Support Your Community
When you purchase items from a local consignment store, that money is returned to the community via commission checks. Dunn’s Attic has proudly supported this community by presenting over 3 million dollars to consignees.
Dunn’s Attic is an upscale consignment store committed to providing “on the spot” customer service and has a massive inventory of items for sale. Our art collection is vast, and we even carry holiday home decor. We have two convenient locations, and our online store with additional inventory is always open for your to browse. See yourself and learn why “Friends don’t let friends buy retail.”
We look forward to seeing you.